Archive for August, 2015

School work

Posted: August 27, 2015 in Uncategorized

As an insurance agent I get the privilege of hanging out in schools every year to help employees take care of annuities and life insurance. Watching the school environment sometimes makes me want to be at the school. I know there is a lot of stress but you get to talk to little kids and hear their funny stories. For now I will enjoy my view from the outside because I don’t think I could teach. It’s a harder job than most realize!

Time has a tendency to move whether we take an active role or not. That has apparently happened to these posts. It’s easy to use excuses to explain why nothing has been posted but in the end I needed some time to grow.

Growing takes on so many forms. After getting home from Iraq on Christmas Eve in 2008 a lot has happened. Future posts will reflect my struggles and accomplishments. I don’t feel that I have ‘arrived’ by any means, but have corrected some negative attitudes and created some lasting relationships. I hope you all have a great day and I’ll catch up tomorrow.